Other Names of Muhammad (PBUH)
Names and Titles of Praise along with Meanings:
- an-Nâbî,
"the Prophet"
- ar-Rasûl,
"the Messenger"
- al-Habeeb,
"the beloved"
- al-Muṣṭafā,
"the chosen one"
- al-Amîn,
"the trustworthy"
- as-Sadîq, "the honest"
- al-Haq, "the
- ar-Rauf, "the kind"
- al-Uswa-e-Hasana,
"the model of conduct"
- al-Insān al-Kāmil,
"the perfect man"
- al-Khairul Bashar,
"the best of mankind"
- al-Khātim an-Nâbîyīn, "the seal of the prophets"
- ar-Rahmatul lil 'alameen,
"the beneficent and mercy of all the worlds personified"
- as-Shaheed,
"the witness"
- al-Mubashshir,
"the bearer of good tidings"
- an-Nathir,
"the warner"
- al-Mudhakkir, "the
- ad-Dā‘ī, "the one who
calls [unto God]"
- al-Bashir,
"the announcer"
- an-Noor,
"the light personified"
- as-Siraj-un-Munir,
"the light-giving lamp"
- al-Kareem,
"the noble"
- an-Nimatullah,
"the divine favour"
- al-Muzzammil,
"the wrapped"
- al-Muddathir,
"the shrouded"
- al-'Aqib, "the last
- al-Mutawakkil,
"the one who puts his trust [in God]"
- al-Kuthâm, "the
generous one"
- al-Mahi, "the eraser [of
- al-Muqaffi, "the one who
followed [all other prophets]"
- an-Nâbîyyu at-Tawbah,
"the prophet of penitence"
- al-Fatih, "the
- al-Hashir, "the
gatherer (the first to be resurrected) on the day of judgement"
- as-Shafe'e, "the
- al-Mushaffaun,
"the one whose intercession shall be granted"
He also has these names:
- Abu'l-Qasim, "father of
- Ahmad, "the chosen
- Hamid,
- Mahmood,
- `Abd-Allah,
"servant of Allah"
In Turkey ,
he is often called Hz. Muhammed or "Peygamber Efendimiz".
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